Wednesday 15 July 2009

July News

The website has been quite these last few months, mainly due to my own ill heath (I’m feeling a lot better). Whilst we’ve been gone, we’ve received quite a few emails. I’m doing my best to answer them all and to forward any requests to Grayson who is currently in the country.

Shelly Greene, an undergraduate student of English at the University of Preston, has sent us an essay to reprint (I shall do so shortly). It’s good to see a new generation of scholars emerge. Though Grayson has often alluded to his cynicism towards critics, I think there is much to be said about studying a poet of Grayson’s standing. I want to thank Shelly for allowing us to reprint the essay and I have sent her a signed proof copy of Grayson’s collected verse, ‘Septic Bubblegum’, which will be available in the Autumn.

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