Saturday, 29 November 2008

Porcupine III

Remember the time we went hiking
In Newfoundland and saw the porcupine?
You said it was a hedgehog but I laughed
And called you a fool, a thing I regretted
The moment I said it since you cried.
I said sorry and we made love in the grass
Watched by the porcupine
Who probably thought us some
Strange creature, perhaps a hedgehog,
And it too had an apology from a lover
Who had called them a fool, and made
Love as we watched on, making jokes
About how porcupines make love.

Grayson Ellis (c) 1969
From ‘Porcupine’

Thursday, 20 November 2008


I have a signed copy of Grayson’s newest collection of poems, ‘Spikes Armadillo Juice’, to give away. So, the prize will go to the first name out of the hat who can correctly name Grayson’s first collection of poems. The email address is at the side of the blog. Please mark your emails, ‘Competition’ to make sure you stand out. Closing date for entries is the 1st December, 2008.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008


There are times when men like me, such as I,
Full grown past three score years,
Seek comfort in a woman such as you,
My dear sweet breasted Bessie.
Your doors are always open to me,
And I come to you, park my bike
In the alley, pass the men waiting
For the others, who interest me not
With the breathy smiles and damask lips.
I climb the stairs, familiar and worn
As smooth as your fair skin, my Bessie.
Familiar knots beneath my finger tips,
Are all I seek, for a fair price,
And then I’m gone, on my bike.
Goodbye my girl, sweat bested Bessie,
Same time next week, same time.
‘Ay’ says you, who have seen it all before.
‘Same time next week, same time.’

Grayson Ellis (c) 1976
From ‘Down Shropshire Way’

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

The Smallest Poem


Grayson Ellis (c) 1979
From ‘Badgers and Owls’